Nobody does not like an extra income. And thanks to the internet, the ways to obtain it are abundant and increasingly secure. That’s why we present you with six ways you can earn money online with your skills, work or even good luck. Know them. (If you are interested in this topic, you can also consult two other notes we have to earn money online: How to make money blogging)

Play online poker

One of the most risky but most lucrative ways to make money online is online poker. There are several sites on the internet that offer their services for our country. However, we recommend using some of the best known, such as PokerStars.

There are also ways to protect your personal information and secure your payments. If you do it through a service like Skrillz, you can put your credit card and then send the money to the poker site you choose, without you having to be involved in the transaction.

Although poker is a good strategy, it is also very risky. However, there are different ways to mitigate the risk. First, you can practice with ‘lying’ money while you get used to it and know the ins and outs of the game. You can also go climbing the limits. You can start betting pennies and when you feel more comfortable, you can increase your bets.

Poker is a risky bet, but it can become a profession. And he does not have to leave the house.

Work ‘freelance’ from your home

You can invest part of your time ‘freelancing’ from your home.

If you have a little time, you can work from home and have an internet connection, it is possible that someone is looking for you. In the network there are several specialized sites to contact people who work freelance with employers that demand that kind of talent.

Some of them are Nubelo or The transaction is guaranteed by the sites, so the money only moves if both the worker and the client are satisfied.

According to IDC, in 2015 1,300 million people will work in this way, which will represent 37.2% of the world’s active population.

Only in Nubelo there are 10,000 freelancers registered in the country, and the market grows day by day. Therefore, if you need extra money, you could try to offer your skills online. Surely someone is in need of them.

Create your own online store


Do you have something to sell? Do it online.

One of the best ways to make money online is by creating your own online business. Currently the conditions are given for small and large businessmen to take risks and start using the internet as a business channel in which they can publicize their products and get more customers.
Be a teacher in Google Helpouts


Google Helpouts can be an extra source for teachers. Screenshot.

The online help tool from Google is a platform where users from all over the world can share their knowledge on topics such as cooking, languages, health, fashion, computers, mathematics or even gardening.

Through ‘hangouts’. People can offer their knowledge in online courses through a live video from a computer or a mobile device. While there are free courses on the platform, many people can make money online by creating an online course and pricing it. Students will pay to access it and the money stays in the teacher’s pocket.

Payments are made through Google Wallet, a secure online payment service from Google itself, so there is no risk of money falling by the wayside.
Come to the power of the masses with ‘crowdfunding’

The power of the masses to finance innovative ideas.

The Internet has opened a way for entrepreneurs who consider that they have an idea that can attract many people: crowdfunding.

Although Kickstarter is the most important site of this type, there are many that you can consider taking into account the way you want to finance your project.

For example, you can make a campaign that allows you to keep what you can collect, or one that returns the money to the donors in case you fail to reach the goal that was proposed (as in the case of Kickstarter and Indiegogo). There are even solutions aimed at the Latin American market, such as

Therefore, there is an excellent site called CrowdsUnite that allows you to choose the most appropriate option when deciding where you want to put your project.

Sell your creations
A source of income for photographers and professionals.

Those engaged in jobs such as photography and graphic design can take advantage of the banks of photos and vectors. Services like Fotolia, Shuterstock, Gettyimages, iStock and Vectorstock offer the possibility of selling images and vectors at a price that increases the more it is used. The creator receives a higher percentage of profits depending on the popularity of his files and the needs of the companies.

Among the most popular searches of these sites are logos, portraits and photo compositions of different situations; So take out all your creative potential and receive money for it.