A credit card can help you make purchases, give you an opportunity to earn rewards, attractive discounts, and different cashback offers. This modern financial tool has certainly made traveling & shopping hassle-free and enjoyable. Credit cards are generally issued to both salaried individuals and self-employed individuals. Today, I am going to discuss the top 7 credit cards for the salaried person in India.
Standard Chartered Platinum Rewards Card
Topping the list is Platinum Rewards Card from Standard Chartered. This is an apt credit card for the salaried individuals as it offers wide range of benefits and a strong point system allowing you to earn both points and privileges whenever you make purchases. Following are the benefits you get to enjoy –
● Annual fee for the credit card is Rs. 750 (waived off for the first year).
● Annual percentage rate is 37.20%.
● You get to earn 5 reward points when you spend Rs. 150 on fuel.
● You are offered 2 reward points when you spend Rs. 150 on other purchases.
● You are offered 5 reward points when you spend Rs. 150 on hotel bookings and fine dining both in India and abroad.
● You get to enjoy attractive benefits on movie tickets, golf, holidays, and more.
Standard Chartered Super Value Titanium
If you are salaried individual, this is the best credit card you can have. With the help of this credit card, you get to save 5% on some of the common expenses in your life. This is the only credit card in India with such a high cash back percentage on many different things. Here are the benefits –
● Annual fee for the credit card is Rs. 2,999.
● Annual Percentage Rate is 40.2% per annum.
● There is 5% cashback on all phone bills.
● You are offered 5% cashback on fuel spends.
● You get 20% cashback on Uber rides.
● There is 5% cashback on all utility bills.
Citibank Rewards Card
Securing third position on the list is Citibank Rewards card. The points offered become valuable when they are redeemed at selected stores and having partnership with Make My Trip is an added advantage. In addition, there are lots of spend incentives that helps you earn bonus points. Following are the benefits of this card –
● Annual fee for the credit card is Rs. 1,000.
● Annual Percentage Rate is 39% per annum.
● The card can be used globally.
● When you spend on department and apparel stores, you get to earn 10 times reward points.
● When you spend Rs. 1 Lakh in every quarter, you get to earn 1000 reward points.
● If you spend more than Rs. 30,000 in one year, the annual fee is waived off.
● You get to earn Rs. 1,200 cashback whenever you book any domestic flight from www.makemytrip.com.
● You are offered value added services such as easy payment options and loans.
● You get 1 reward point when you spend Rs. 125 on all other purchases.
● When you spend Rs. 125 in selected stores, you get to receive 10 reward points.
ICICI Instant Platinum Card
Instant Platinum card is ideal for all those with first-time employment as you don’t need to bother about credit history or score. If you are having a saving account with ICICI Bank, the card is issued against fixed deposit. Depending on the value of your fixed deposit, your credit limit gets decided. Have a look at the benefits of this credit card –
● You get to enjoy 15% discount at more than 800 leading restaurants throughout India.
● You are also offered 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver, subject to a limit or Rs. 4,000 at all HPCL pumps.
● You are offered discount of Rs. 100 on movie tickets bi-monthly.
● You have emergency global assistance and easy card replacement process.
SBI Simply Save credit card
There are lots of credit cards offered by SBI to its customers, but Simply Save is perfect for the salaried individuals as it offers travel, lifestyle, and shopping benefits along with low annual charges. The card is accepted internationally and it also allows you to pay for the utility bills without any extra charges. Following are the benefits of this credit card –
● The joining fee is Rs. 499.
● You will get 10X reward points for every Rs. 100 spent on movies, groceries, and dining.
● You will also get 2000 points when you spend Rs. 2000 within 2 months.
● Annual Percentage Rate is 40.2% per annum.
● There is interest free credit period of 20-50 days.
● 10X reward points for Rs.100 spent.
● For each transaction between Rs. 500 and Rs. 3,000, there is 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver.
HSBC Premier Master Card
If you have Premier Master Card from HSBC, you get to enjoy lots of privileges. As a cardholder, you get to enjoy shopping, travelling, and dining benefits. Following are various other benefits –
● You get 50% cashback at PVR cinemas.
● You get to make 2 points for every Rs. 100 spent.
● When you spend Rs. 75,000 in a month, you can avail a voucher worth Rs. 1,000 from www.bookmyshow.com.
● You get 5% cashback at www.bigbasket.com.
● You get an opportunity to avail cashback of 1.5% on international spends.
● You get free access to premier airport lounges twice in a year.
Axis Bank Insta Credit Card
Do you have a poor credit history, no worries as you can still apply for Axis Bank’s Insta credit card. In order to have this credit card, you need to have a fixed deposit with the bank. This is an appropriate card for all those individuals who face lots of issues to get a credit card sanctioned. Here are the benefits of this credit card –
● For every online transaction, you get to earn 100 reward points.
● If you can spend Rs. 5,000 within 45 days of receiving the card, the joining fee of Rs. 500 will be waived off.
● You get to make 6 points for every Rs. 200 spent in India.
● There is 2.5% fuel surcharge waiver on all fuel transactions between Rs. 400 – Rs. 4,000.
● You get 12 reward points on international spends.